Friday, December 09, 2022

Get Path to Current LibreOffice Spreadsheet

There are two comments related to the previous post:
  1. The blood draw wasn’t scheduled for the next morning. It was for the following morning! What a dummy I am!
  2. The code that I use in LibreOffice Calc to return the Current Working Directory can be found below. I call it with this worksheet function as an argument: CELL("FILENAME",$A$1).  Please note that the module in which this resides has the following statement at the top: Option VBASupport 1

Function LG_GetPath(s As String) As String

' 2019-02-26 LG  Created, mostly to derive Current Working Directory
	Dim sTemp As String
	Dim i As Long, j As Long
	' MsgBox "Contents of s: " & s
	If IsNull(s) Then
    	LG_GetPath = "ERROR"
    	sTemp = CStr(s)
    	i = InStr(s, "///") + 3
    	j = InStrRev(s, "/")
    	j = j - i
    	If j > 0 Then
    		sTemp = Mid(s, i, j) & "/"
    		LG_GetPath = sTemp
    		LG_GetPath = "ERROR"
End Function ' LG_GetPath

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