Thursday, January 23, 2020

View Internet Header of an Email Message in Modern Outlook Client

One should always examine the Internet Header of a suspicious email.  Yet, when Microsoft upgraded Outlook, this has become more difficult than just right-clicking and choosing View Header.  Instead, you'll first have to open the message (a cringe-worthy action), and then navigate to File and Properties as described here.

I can never remember the procedure.  Besides, I want to see the header before I open the message!

So I wrote a macro that displays the beginning of the header in a message box.  Then it offers the choice of whether to copy the header content to the clipboard, which would allow for pasting into a new message to the IT department (for example).

Then I added a button to Quick Launch and bound it to the macro.  The upshot is that I can select the message in my Inbox list of messages, press the button, and see the header!

Here's the code, which I couldn't have completed without the help of the Slipstick code sample.  Please be careful of unintended wrapping of code, particularly for the value of PR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS constant!

Sub HeaderReview()
' Copy Message Header contents of selected Mail Item to the Windows Clipboard.
' See:
' 2020-01-23 LG  Created from CopyToClipboard dated 12/13/04

Dim objCB As New DataObject ' Clipboard object
Dim ol As New Outlook.Application
Dim oe As Outlook.Explorer
Dim mi As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strMH As String ' Mail Header

Set oe = ol.ActiveExplorer

If oe.CurrentFolder.DefaultItemType = olMailItem Then
    Dim olkPA As Outlook.PropertyAccessor
    Dim i As Integer
    Set mi = oe.Selection.Item(1)
    Set olkPA = mi.PropertyAccessor
    Debug.Print strMH
    i = MsgBox(strMH, vbYesNo, "Copy Message Header to Clipboard?")
    Select Case i
        Case vbYes
            objCB.SetText strMH
    End Select
    MsgBox "Sorry, HeaderReview() supports only Mail items at this time.", _
    , "HeaderReview() Help"
End If

End Sub

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