Here's the scenario...
You've put considerable effort into eliminating "outlier" rows from a data table. Now, you want to put a static copy into another worksheet or document. So, just copy and paste, right?
When you invoke copy, Excel will put the entire range onto the clipboard, including any hidden rows. So when you paste, all the outliers will be present as if you did nothing to remove them!
It shouldn’t do this, of course. Or it’s totally unintuitive / lazy design. But fortunately, "modern" Excel,1 provides a series of steps we can take to ensure only the visible cells get copied to the clipboard.
Here's what you do....
After you’ve selected the range that you’re interested in, choose Find & Select from the Home ribbon menu, then Go To Special, and Visible cells only. OK your way out.
Here’s a link to the page that offers Microsoft’s solution:
BTW, if you use LibreOffice Calc, you’ll need an extension to enable this behavior. Here’s a link that describes the extension and how it functions, although it has mixed reviews:
1 Version 2007 and later.